How To Make Gravy From Chicken Drippings?

Making gravy from chicken drippings is a classic culinary technique that can elevate any poultry-based dish. The rich, flavorful liquid that remains in the pan after roasting or cooking chicken is a goldmine of taste, and transforming it into a savory gravy is a skill every home cook should have in their repertoire. This article, will explain how to make gravy from chicken drippings.

Making gravy from chicken drippings is a simple and delicious way to enhance your chicken dishes. Here’s a basic recipe for making chicken gravy:


  • Chicken drippings (from a roasted or pan-fried chicken)
  • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional: fresh herbs, such as thyme or sage, for extra flavor

How To Make Gravy From Chicken Drippings?


1. Collect The Drippings

After you’ve roasted or pan-fried your chicken, it’s essential to let the cooked chicken rest before carving.

In the meantime, place the roasting or frying pan on the stovetop over medium heat.

2. Skim The Fat

Depending on the amount of fat rendered from the chicken during cooking, you should skim off some excess.

Use a spoon to skim off the fat from the top of the drippings. However, don’t remove all of it; you’ll need some to create the roux, the base for the gravy.

3. Make The Roux

To create the roux, a mixture of fat and flour used to thicken the gravy, sprinkle 2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour into the pan with the remaining fat.

This step is essential for achieving your gravy’s consistency and texture.

Stir the flour and fat together with a wooden spoon or whisk. Cook the roux over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.

As it cooks, the roux will transform from a pale to a light golden hue. This cooking process removes the raw flour taste and ensures the gravy is smooth.

4. Add The Chicken Broth

While stirring the roux, add the 2 cups of chicken broth in small amounts. If you pour the broth in a slow, steady stream, lumps will be less likely to form.

Continue stirring the mixture until it thickens, which should take about 5-7 minutes. The roux will combine with the broth, creating a smooth and creamy base for your gravy.

5. Incorporate Drippings

Pour the collected chicken drippings, which are the flavorful juices from your roasted or fried chicken, into the pan with the gravy base.

Making sure to stir the mixture well will help the fats blend with the roux and broth, giving the gravy a rich and savory taste.

6. Simmer And Season

Set the gravy on low heat and let it cook for 5 to 10 minutes. This step of simmering lets the flavors grow and blend even more. It’s an important step in the process that makes a tasty and fragrant gravy.

Season the gravy to taste with salt and pepper. If preferred, add some fresh herbs, such as thyme or sage, for added flavor. This is the time to fine-tune the flavor profile to your preferences.

7. Strain (Optional)

For a smoother texture, sieve the gravy through a fine mesh strainer before serving. Pulling smoothes the gravy by removing lumps or fragments.

This is a personal choice that can improve the display.

8. Serve Hot

Once your chicken gravy has reached the desired consistency and flavor, serve it hot alongside your roasted or pan-fried chicken.

It pairs beautifully with the chicken but is also excellent with side dishes like mashed potatoes, stuffing, or vegetables.

9. Adjust Consistency

Adding more chicken soup will thin out your gravy if it’s too thick. If it’s too thin, you can make a mix of equal parts water and flour and stir it into the gravy to make it thicker.

Let the gravy cook for a few more minutes until it’s the thickness you want.


 Here are some additional tips to help you make chicken gravy from drippings with success:

  • Prep in Advance: Prepare all your ingredients and utensils before making the gravy. This includes having your flour, chicken broth, salt, pepper, and any optional herbs or spices measured and within arm’s reach. This will help you work more efficiently.
  • Use Homemade Broth: Use homemade chicken broth for the gravy. Homemade broth tends to have a richer and more intense flavor than store-bought varieties, enhancing the overall taste of the gravy.
  • Control the Roux Thickness: The roux’s thickness determines the gravy’s ultimate consistency. For a thicker gravy, you can increase the amount of flour in the roux; for a thinner gravy, use less flour. Be mindful of this when creating the roux.
  • Stir Constantly: To prevent lumps in your gravy, stirring the roux and broth constantly while combining them is essential. Use a whisk or a wooden spoon to achieve a smooth and lump-free texture.
  • Temperature Control: Keep the heat at a medium level when cooking the roux and simmering the gravy. High heat can cause the roux to brown too quickly, resulting in a less desirable flavor.
  • Adjust Seasoning Gradually: Adding more salt and pepper later is more accessible than correcting an overly salty gravy. Start with a little seasoning and add more as needed, tasting along the way.
  • Be Patient with Simmering: Allow the gravy to simmer for the recommended time. This slow simmering process allows the flavors to meld and develop, resulting in a richer and more complex taste.
  • Use Fresh Herbs: Fresh herbs like thyme or sage can add an excellent aromatic quality to your gravy. Add them toward the end of the simmering process for the best flavor.
  • Customize with Spices: Experiment with spices like paprika, garlic powder, or onion powder to add depth and character to your gravy. Be creative, but start with small amounts and taste as you go.
  • Leftover Gravy: If you have gravy left over, put it in a jar that won’t let air in and put it in the fridge. Warm it up slowly on the stove, and if it gets too thick after being cold, add water or chicken broth.

By following our guide, you’ll master the technique of making chicken gravy and have the confidence to customize it with your favorite seasonings and spices. So, savor the rich, comforting taste of homemade chicken gravy and elevate your chicken dishes to a new level of deliciousness.

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